There is a little girl in pigtails. She is six. She has just discovered the magic of reading on her own. It has opened up countless new worlds for her to explore. She jumps in feet first and never wants to come out. Day after day she has adventures with the characters in the books. Night after night she dreams up fantastical worlds and stories of her own. It is then that she discovers the wonder of scribbling her stories on ruled paper with stick figures and trees and stapling them together. Behold! She has just written her first book and there is no stopping her.
I was that girl. I had a dream. I wanted to write a book that would sit on a shelf, in a bookstore, that someone other than my mum would want to read. A dream that grew and evolved and waited patiently for a moment. A moment that finally came this year. I was approached by a reader of my blog who had posted some pictures of recipes she had tried and loved on her own blog. She asked me if I would like to write a cookbook. Dear awesome Jill Brown! You see Jill was an ex-publisher who had worked with some top publishing houses over the years. She was in talks with Random House Australia to get a book published based on the food and stories on my blog. We started chatting online, met over a cup of coffee and hit it off. Around that time, Cook Republic was announced as the Best Blog In Australia. All hell broke loose.
Over the next few weeks, I met with Nikki Christer (Publishing Director at Random House Australia) and the inspiring Brandon VanOver (Managing Editor at Random House Australia) who were both very enthusiastic about my writing and my photography. And just like that I was offered a book publishing deal to have my first cookbook published by Random House Australia under their cookbook imprint Ebury Australia (UK Website) in mid 2014. The girl with the pigtails in me was over the moon!
Nick said "This is the only cookbook I will ever READ!" which was HUGE. He was my rock these past few months, having long discussions about the book and eventually suggesting a title that was PERFECT and for all purposes would be the final title of the book. Gummi Bear suggested really unique and helpful titles for the cookbook. "Mum's Cookbook", "Sneh Roy's Cooking", "My Mum's Cooking Cookbook". He drew me a picture of myself holding a mountain of books with Chicken Curry on the cover. Rivs started observing my massive collection of cookbooks daily and worked on the best spot to display my book. He also proceeded to work out a way to save his pocket money to buy my first cookbook and get it signed by me. He was in shock and overjoyed when I told him, I would just give him a copy and that he didn't need to buy it from me (you would think we never buy him anything and that he has to scrimp and scour to buy his own stuff!!). I could tell they were all excited and thrilled for me!
I am quite gobsmacked actually. You never think something like this will happen to you. Then it does. And it changes everything. The past few months have been terribly agonizing because I couldn't share this with you. But now I can! I am so bad at keeping secrets, but I did good and it nearly drove me absolutely stark raving crazy! I will be writing, cooking, propping, styling, photographing and art directing my first cookbook based on the food, philosophy, mood and stories you see on Cook Republic. To have it published by a prestigious publishing house like Random House that has published books for culinary superstars like Curtis Stone, Julie Goodwin, Nigella Lawson, Yotam Ottolenghi and Rick Stein both in Australia and on foreign soil is really an honour. I am truly grateful for this wonderful opportunity and looking forward to working with the team at Random House, my designer Trisha Garner and my chief hand holder, producer and confidante Jill Brown.
The cookbook will have heaps of gorgeous photos of food you will want to make (I promise!) and moments from my personal collection and everyday life in Australia. And it will have recipes that will be fresh, fuss-free and fun - just like on the blog! The book will feature all-new, exciting and hardworking recipes that you could take to work/college or just cook in the comfort of your home to nourish your family and enjoy with friends. And a handful of favourites from the blog. In a few weeks, I will be announcing the title of the book and some other details, but right now I am faced with a MAMMOTH task. Testing recipes, writing, cooking, styling, propping, shooting and nurturing a nearly 250-page baby in JUST OVER A MONTH!!! I never thought I would have so little time, but logistics and circumstances demand that I push this massive baby out in about 40 days, just like kangaroos do (I bet you didn't know that!). And all this while I juggle the boys, the blog, my work and college. So wish me luck and come with me on a journey of delicious food and daily life as I share the makings of my book with you. I promise you, it will be a fun ride that will take you backstage in the realms of cookbook production 🙂
Congratulations !!!!! Sneh Well done.... Very Happy for you .... Good Luck and Best wishes for your book.
Thank you all for your most wonderful comments and wishes!! Much love always! xx
A big congratulations is due! No doubt it will be gorgeous like everything you do here. Best of luck to you for the next 40 days!
And I too will be making space for this cookbook on my shelf! Congratulations sweet Sneh! Good things happen to good people ... keep on rocking and I am looking forward to seeing this baby of yours come to life! All the best!
Congrats Sneh, so happy to see your dreams getting wings! Looking forward to get a copy of your book in my hands soon. Best wishes and warm hugs for this wonderful venture.
Congratulations!! I have been a regular follower of your blog, your stunning photography and recipes for a while now and I cannot be more happier for you. I can't wait for the book and some beautiful pictures..XX
Congratulations! Love your blog and really pleased for you.
You definitely won't have time to redesign my blog 🙂 (sent you an email recently)....but all for a GREAT cause!
Stay well
Thrilled for you....and not a bit surprised!
Congratulations, Sneh! All the best with the writing process, I can't wait to see the final product.
Sneh that cake looks utterly delicious - a fitting celebration for your wonderful news! I had never thought to use wholemeal flour in a chocolate cake but will definitely give it a go. Thanks for the recipe.
Wow! Congratulations on your book deal. You deserve it 😀
Beautiful chocolate cake, the orange liqueur in the frosting would be magic! Congratulation on the book deal, very well deserved!
Sneh, this is such wonderful and fabulous news!! How spectacular. When I grow up, I wanna have a cookbook just like you 😉
But seriously, it is spectacularly well deserved and I know your book will be amazing. x
WOW, congratulations!!!! It doesn't surprise me at all, and I'm super happy for you.
Congratulations Sneh ... Thats a wonderful news, I am sure with your delicious recipes and excellent food photography this going to be a great cookbook. Looking forward to it.
Huge congratulations Sneh!! No doubt it will be a stunning book and I will be making room onmy overstuffed cookbook shelf for it! Good luck and make sure you enjoy every minute of the process.
How exciting for you! Congratulations once again !!! But one month?!? Yikes!!! Hope u r not pulling ur hair out by the end of it. I know I did! Lol
Wowee!! A big CONGRATULATIONS to you Sneh! Can't wait to hear what news #2 is!!
Oh Sneh, congratulations on your wonderful news. I am just so very thrilled for you - can't wait to see it!
Congrats! It's so ridiculously exciting when it happens like this - same has happened to me over last few months!
Congratulations Sneh! Waiting for the book now and also the other big news.
All the best. 🙂
Great news! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! 🙂 Well deserved! You are one of the most creative bloggers I have seen. It reflects in your recipes as well as photography. Looking forward to the book!
Congratulations 🙂 Can't wait to see the end result x
Great news Sneh! Congrats!
Congratulation Sneh 🙂 Ax
Congratulations, Sneh! You are one of my favorite food photographers and I love your writing too. So happy for your happiness and achievements. More to come, and that we all know 🙂
What's your next announcement? I can't wait. Tell me secretly. I won't tell anyone. Okay, tell me in my ears.
Congratulations!!! Sneh....certainly well deserved! 🙂 I'm sure it is going to be a really creative and beautiful cookbook. Good luck! Also, can't wait to hear about your next 'Huge Announcement'!
Freaking amazing! I knew it was only a matter of {very short} time. Can't wait to add this one to my shelf. Congrats!
Holy cow! You might need TWO cakes for a celebration this big. Congratulations. That book will suck the life out of you but it will be so worth it. Almost as good as childbirth. Almost.
Congratulations and all the best! Love your blog and the book is going to be fabulous and a huge hit I'm sure!
So thrilled for you, congratulations on a much deserved dream come true! 🙂
This is unreal - congrats Sneh! It will all be worth it when you finally get to hold a copy after the handwork you had put in. Can't wait!
I'm TOTALLY psyched for you! Congrats Sneh! It's going to be such a fantastic experience for you. I know it.
Congratulations, Sneh!!! I'm so happy that your childhood dream of being a published author is coming true for you. So well deserved, too - you do incredible work. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Very well deserved achievement Sneh. So happy for you especially since you had this dream from childhood - which also tells me how clear your goals were even at that young age!!!!
I am sure you have something really exciting as your next announcement. waiting for that one too!!
Many Many MANY Congrats Sneh.... I have been waiting for this for a longtime. And now I can't wait to have your cookbook in my hand... Wishing you all the best.
Also now you have made me so curious for the next big announcement .....
Congratulations on a well deserved opportunity. I've often thought Australians write the best cookbooks in the world. I really look forward to reading your cookbook from cover to cover.
This was to happen Sneh 😀 Congratulations!! Extremely happy for you .. and I also know this is just the beginning.. you have a long way to go... congratulations once again ..
OMG! Congradulations!!!!!
Congratulations, love all your recipes! Excellent news for you.
Congratulations!! 40 days! omg!! But you say there is ANOTHER announcement!!
Congratulations Sneh! Very exciting news. I'm totally amazed by the idea of 40 days. I can't write a book proposal, let alone a book, in that time! Hope it all goes well and well done!
amazing news! now i know what's been keeping you busy. i'll be there to get it from one of your book tours in Sydney and also get it signed by the author in person 🙂 congratulations!!
Yay! I am SO excited about your book, I just know how beautiful it is going to be. I'm sure it will be stressful but 100% worth it to see your amazing recipes, words and photos in print!
Congratulations! I am ever so happy for you.
This cake looks ever so beautiful, decadent and tempting.
Congratulations, Sneh!!!! I can't wait to have your book!
That's Brilliant! A well deserved dream come true. From your description it sounds like a huge project that needs to be whipped out in a short period of time - but I can totally imagine the excitement and happiness it must have brought you. Congratulations and good luck!
A huge congratulations to you Sneh, I've always enjoyed following your blog, your pins and instagrams - and will be eagerly awaiting your book (of course a book! You talented lady!). And in the meantime, I am looking forward to behind the scenes! What a feat - 40 days.
Congratulations, Sneh! Absolutely well deserved. You photos and writing are an inspiration to the rest of us. Best of luck over the next 40 days. Can't wait to see the result! June.
Congratulations Sneh, you will write a gorgeous book. I look forward to taking a look when it is published. An amazing(ly scary sounding) timeline! Good luck !!!
Congratulations on your wonderful news. A fantastic dream and a fantastic achievement - very inspiring.
Huge, huge, huge congrats Sneh! And wow, the next month or so will certainly be full on, best of luck, I can't wait to see the book!!! xx
I have never been as curious of anyone's post ever as I'm of your next announcement!!! This is great Sneh. HUGE HUGE hug and congrats!
Congratulations Sneh, I know how exciting it is to be asked to share your passion. I too dreamt of being in print and never thought it would happen. Now I'm on the same journey as you. Enjoy. x
Congratulations Sneh! That's great news - you must have been bursting to tell everyone! I look forward to seeing bits and bobs along the way... but seriously... 40 days? Whoa! Wonder Woman! I struggle to get one recipe out a week! Love your work and big congrats again - you deserve it!
Congrats Sneh! I knew it the moment I saw you having that celebratory meal on instagram a while ago... much desrved and it will be a beautiful book, cannot wait to see it! And hopefully I can ask you for an autograph next time I see you. 🙂
Huge congratulations Sney! That's such wonderful news... seriously 40 days though? Wow, all the best! xx
Sneh, Sneh. In my frantic excited typing I wrote your name wrong... twice. Sorry love!
Oh congratulations Sneh! I knew a cookbook deal wouldn't be far away for you, and I have to admit I sort of guess it was in the works after you mentioning some quiet celebrations in an Instagram post. Congratulations, you truly deserve it. You've worked so hard, and your images are absolutely stunning. I have no doubt it will be a huge success, and the first of many, many books!
Well done Sneh! Having been there myself I know what a huge task you have ahead, but in 40 days you must be Wonder Woman 🙂 look forward to the book.
Dear Sneh - huge and well deserved congratulations on your cookbook announcement. No doubting it will be hugely successful as it deserves to be. Well done - can't wait to buy a copy for not my bookshelf, but the coffee table - you're images are to die for!
Congratulations! Your recipes, photography style and eye for details is amazing and I look forward to seeing it all in a cookbook 🙂
Congratulations! This is wonderful news. I so look forward to watching the journey and then seeing the finished product next year. Well done and well deserved! 😀
Congratulations Sneh! It's such a big project, you're going to absolutely smash it out of the park! Best of luck, I can't wait for the next announcement. 🙂