- There are 240 pages in the book.
- There are approximately 110 recipes in the book. 93 of them are vegetarian recipes.
- The book is an ode to fast (except 3-4 recipes), fresh, easy and exciting recipes often with a fun twist! Drawing inspiration from my childhood in India and the bustling foodie scene of inner-city Australian life, the book has food you would find at your local cafe, fair, market or food truck.
- There are 5 chapters - Cafe Culture, Urban Lunchbox, Green Kingdom, Supper Club and Treat Factory.
- There are photographs for each and every recipe (including dips and chutnies that accompany the main recipe). There are life style photographs from my daily life and adventures.
- There are lots of drips, crumbs, drizzles and textures. Food is messy, just the way I like it.
- You will find an abundance of some of my favourite ingredients in this cookbook - coconut, quinoa, chickpeas, mushrooms, kale, zucchini, cashew nuts, beetroot, almonds, spinach, eggplant and mango.
- Coconut Bircher Muesli, Carrot Cake Muffins, Kulfi Milk, Eggplant Lasagna Steaks, Kale Soup With Grilled Cheese, Brown Rice Biryani Salad, Quinoa Spice Croquettes, Sweet Potato And Pepita Burgers, Tofu And Cashew Curry, Burnt Butter Caramel Slice, Coconut Froyo and Gingerbread Tiramisu are just some of the delicious recipes you can whip up in about 30 minutes.
To read more about the book, go to the Tasty Express cookbook page. There are links to buy it in Australia and New Zealand, contact details for book publicity and collaborations, release dates. In the coming weeks, I will be putting up links and dates for book events and tours. Also keep an eye out for fabulous book (and a few other awesome things!) giveaways.
It is very hard for me to ever admit or say that I am proud of something I have done. I am my worst critic and often find it very hard to pat myself on the back even when I (maybe) truly deserve it. That is why I have Nick (and my family and friends) I suppose. But after having spent more than a month with my advance copy of the cookbook that arrived early in the new year, I am beginning to feel a sense of accomplishment. The reality of what I have done and what is now happening, is starting to sink in. This morning when I unwrapped the books from the boxes and just sat there alone on the floor in the sanctity of my home with the rain beating on the window, I felt an amazing moment of peace and clarity and an incredible surge of pride. I think I am ready to admit that I am proud of my handiwork (very humbly, mind you.) and what I have put into this book. I love it very much and have written and created it to the best of my ability. Hopefully, you will love the recipes as much as I do. Hopefully, you will stop at each page to touch something visually tactile. Hopefully, you will read my little stories and anecdotes and celebrate food, life, love and family. Hopefully, the book will inspire you to cook something or take a picture or day dream as you curl up with it at night. Because with this book, I put a piece of me in your hands.
I had an amazing team to work with. I absolutely loved art directing the book. In fact I loved getting my hands into the design so much, that I created and designed a little 32 page booklet called "The Art Of Creating A Cookbook" after Tasty Express went to the printers. This little A5 sized booklet has some awesome behind-the-scenes goodness going on. In this booklet, I talk about the entire process of writing the cookbook, right from conceptualising to brainstorming the name, research, creating styling elements, prop sourcing, photography, fun facts and heaps of never before seen photographs of the cookbook photo shoot along with gorgeous shots of the dishes that never made it to print. AND to celebrate the launch of the book, I will be giving away a copy of this booklet with each "signed copy" of the book bought from here. There are only 30 copies of the booklet, so now might be a good time to pre-order yours! The cookbook (and the booklet) ships out on April 1st 2014.
Congratulations, Sneh! This is so exciting!! I can't wait to get my copy of your beautiful book soon 🙂
Congrats! It looks beautiful!
Will it be available in the United States?
Hi Abigail. It will be. International orders with Free Worldwide shipping (April 1st) can be made via Fishpond whereas US orders (Aeptember 28th) can be made via Amazon. All links on the book page http://www.cookrepublic.com/my-book-tasty-express-simple-stylish-delicious-recipes-for-busy-people/ Cheers! x
I am SO excited!! I can't wait to read. You deserve every success, Sneh x
I just found you about 5 days ago and am already so ready to hear what you have to say! Your recipes are inventive and look gorgeous on the screen and now page, it looks like. I will totally be supporting you…have a nice little collection of fellow blogger books and I think it's important to support the thing I love doing. Can't wait to read the book!
BIG congratulations Sneh!! Tasty express looks like a treat for the eyes and tummy.Cant wait to see all the props, styling & read your writing. With a little one around, I am hoping to use some of your recipes as well. Congrats again
Wow! Amazing, your book looks beautiful and is making me hungry... at 10:18pm. Uh-oooh.... Big congratulations on your accomplishment.
Congratulations, Sneh! What an amazing achievement. You should be very, very proud of yourself. The book -- what we can see of it here -- looks stunning.
Oh Sneh, this looks so amazing. I've just ordered my copy (hopefully there are still booklets left, it might come in handy! 😉 haha), can't wait to see it in person. Huge congratulations! xx
You should be absolutely proud of what you have achieved Sneh! Yours is one of the cookbooks I have been looking forward to see. Just by the looks of it I can tell it must be a treat. Is there a way for us to be able to order it here in the US?
Sneh, congratulations on this amazing achievement! You should most definitely be proud - it looks like a wonderful book with gorgeous photography!
I can't wait to receive your book, cook your recipes and read the behind-the-scenes stories. Your photographs look amazing, as usual. Congratulations!
Sneh, I tried to order a copy of your cookbook, but it does not ship to the United States. Will it be available through Amazon.com or another bookseller? Thanks, Wendy
Hi Wendy, sorry about that. It will be available through Amazon and all major book stores in US and Canada later in the year (tentative release date is Sep 1st but you will be able to pre-order long before that). x
Congrats Sneh! You should be extremely proud of this book. Looking at the pictures, I'm already amazed by what you've created. I totally relate to being your own worst critic, but please ignore it this time. Be proud. You should!
First, a heartfelt congratulations on a job very well done. It's apparent that great talent is behind its creation and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy to add to my coveted collection. But there's one problem...I'm in California! When your book is released in the US will you also offer the booklet? I would love to see the behind the scenes. One thing is for sure, I'm inspired and need to get in the kitchen! Thank you Sneh for sharing your talent with us. xo
Hi Michelle, thank you kindly 🙂 Unfortunately the booklet is a limited edition run only and won't be offered with International sales. I might do an e-book version of it if there is enough interest. x
Congratulations Sneh. You should definitely be proud of this achievement! x
LOVE IT and a bonus booklet to share what you learnt. Just WOW! I am a visual person and knowing that you have added photos for all the dishes makes me so happy. The glimpse says it all! You should be so proud, we are 🙂 xx
Big Congrats Sneh...
You should be absolutely so so vero proud of yourself for creating this beautiful book and it is only a start! I can tell you for sure there are millions n zillions great things lined up for you in days to come ...
B/w can you let me know how I can order my copy in US...
Gorgeous, what a lovely peek into your work!
Sneh you should be really proud of this baby! it looks GORGEOUS. I can't wait to order it. Hope it's available in US so I can place an order to Kuwait through Amazon!
Hooray! Congratulations on the publication of your book!
Congratulations Sneh! Tasty Express looks beautiful, you can be proud of your baby!
Hope I'll do as good as you with my book (!!)... so much work still ahead, but I can do it right?! I've followed you through the process of creating Tasty Express (via social media!) and it inspires me to do my best!
I just want to look at the pretty pictures!! Looks amazing, and I'm sure the food will taste even better!
Congratulations!! I am looking forward to the book! I would like to buy it on Amazon!
Btw, I am very disappointed about your new site design... I miss the black color 🙁
Heartfelt congratulations Sneh - I can't wait to receive my signed copy! Looking forward to reading of your adventures as this whole amazing snowball gathers speed; you have so much love, support and respect around you I'm sure you'll take it all in your stride...
I'm also wondering how to get a copy in the US or Canada...either would work. Looks wonderful. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Your book looks fantastic. Something to be proud of.
Urgggh. How do I get my gritty little paws on a copy in the U.S. I can't wait for later, I need the first pressed ink. I tried to purchase through your link, thinking they'd never notice, but they did. Can I pay your for S&H directly? Congratulations, I'm so thrilled for you and the control you had over it's coming to pass. Wow. Seriously impressed. Now, about my copy...
Hey Heidi. I would like nothing better than to get a copy to you ASAP. Let me email you in the weekend and we can work something out. x
i love how you made a book about your book. that's pretty awesome - but also makes me feel a little lazy. 😉
Aweosome. Great images, I would love to see the book cause I know how much effort must have gone into creating and taking photographs of each dish. Any idea if it's going to available in Pune, India.
Good wishes on the success of the book 🙂
Congratulations and Awesome Work as always Sneh! I am so excited for you and to also own one of your books, Have been following you for a couple of years now and enjoy every recipe that we try. Many have become weekly recipes. So can't wait and heading on over to preorder... Yippee
thanks Kellie! that is so awesome, you just made my day. I hope the book is as good to you as the recipes on the blog have been. Happy weekend! x
My sincere congratulations Sneh! Love the title, love what I can see of the layout, colours chosen and photography! It will be great to have a healthy but vibrantly modern and urban book of mainly vegetarian recipes on the shelves. I wish you 'good luck' but I don't think you'll need it . . . it's all there!!
Congratulations! Love the idea of the little behind the scenes book, I've just placed my order 🙂
thank you for your awesome support Matt!
Just ordered my copy from your store. So excited. Can't wait to get my fingers onto it and to turn my oven on to cook something from it. Wahoo.
Congrats for the thousandth time - and by the looks of the sneak peek it is well deserved! No doubt you have created a simply gorgeous book and I'm glad it's sunk enough for you to be proud! xx
congratulation on such a fabulous piece of work! i look forward to getting my hands on this!
Congratulations again Sneh! You deserve it. And I completely understand what you mean about being your own worst critic, but you should be so proud of what you have achieved. It's wonderful and from it many, many great things will come your way.
thank you kindly Jen! What a lovely thing to say 🙂